Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Ode to Teachers

I could never be a teacher. I don't know how they can do what they do 10 months of the year. It blows my mind.

When I was little I loved 3rd grade, so naturally I thought I would become a 3rd grade teacher. Now that I am wiser...I realize how ridiculous that is. You have to be a certain breed which I am clearly not.

Teachers have a lot of patience, I don't. Teachers enjoy crafty things, I don't. Teachers are okay with kids using glue, I am not. Teachers get asked a million questions each day some of which are completely useless to the state of humanity and they get up the next day and do it again, I would never get out of bed again.
My youngest is a question asker. He asks me questions from the moment we get up until bedtime. I think sometimes he asks me questions while I'm sleeping. The last few days he is all into what type of animals live in Washington that he has not seen yet in his 6 years of life. Being that I am not a biologist or have spent any time in the past decade researching animal habitats, I HAVE NO CLUE. That is not the answer he was looking for.

Out of desperation I told my little guy that I would get up with him at 6:30 am and we could spend some time researching these mind boggling questions. By now you have likely read about how much I LOVE mornings. Getting up early is in itself a sheer act of love. But I'm also not big on questions. I just live in the moment and figure things out as need be. I really don't ask a lot of questions. I don't know the answer to a lot of questions. And I don't want to be asked a lot of questions.

But we have spent the last two days researching the questions that plague this guy's soul. Its been a personal challenge. And it makes me realize how special teachers are. And it reminds me that I could never be a teacher because I would probably curl up in a ball under my desk and never come out.


  1. I'm with ya on the teacher thing. God bless them!!

    In first grade, I aspired to be a teacher, for the sole reason that I could then punish the bad boys like Gerald (sorry, Gerald -- I thought you were bad, now I know you were just being a BOY!) Anyway, isn't that just the best reason for being a teacher???

    Leslie, the Enforcer, HA!!

    Good on ya for researching the little boy's questions!! He will probably always remember it, and love you for it. Funny how that works -- We craft memorable moments, and the ones that stick with them aren't always OUR personal faves...

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog today...loved the post...thanks for the ode to teachers!
