Friday, April 30, 2010


So every once in awhile life creeps up on me and I realize, time is short and I had better make the best of it.   I love my kids and my husband but sometimes I can be easily distracted by my so-called important tasks that take up the better part of my day.  I work A LOT so my time at home is short.  Usually I come home and immediately tackle dinner, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, and whatever else I find to do.  My poor husband works himself like a dog trying to keep up on house stuff and yet I still manage to find things to do that fill up my time.  And then I have weeks like this past one, where all of the sudden I realize life is passing me by.  My kids are growing up and I'm too busy cleaning, working, and {cough} blogging to realize it.  Those moments stink!  I hate reality, especially when it comes in the form of a good kick in the butt.
Take this kid for an example...
This is 3rd grade (last year).  He is now coming to the end of 4th grade and all of the sudden I realized that this means next year he moves buildings.  Not only does he move up in grade, he moves up in buildings.  AHHHHHH!  I can't take this kind of reality.  I really like all my kids in one building...the elementary building.  I AM NOT READY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL!  I don't think I can find my way around that building, I don't think Joey can find his way around that building, and if he can, I don't want him to.  He's just too darn big.  There are so many things that showcase just how big Joseph is getting.  However, none more than this.  My baby has started his own blog.
I love it and hate it.  It is so cute but it's also another mark on the wall showcasing how big he's getting.  I can't stand it.

Here he is at his 10th birthday this past March.  Ack! 1-0!  I was told this was going to happen but I didn't believe it.

There were times when this guy was 2 that I thought he'd never grow up.  All those times of crying (both of us), battles over food, potty training woes (he once pooped on the seat of my car instead of the toilet), sleepless nights and napless days.  I never thought I'd say it but I would give anything to have a few of those days back.  Just a that so much to ask?

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