Friday, April 16, 2010

Why the bed?

I chose the background with a bed and lamp because I LOVE sleep.
And if I wasn't sleeping, I'd like to be in bed reading.

(*note: the background has been changed. I'm neurotic about change ~ Sorry!)

I think if I could change something about me, I'd become a morning person.

My mother in law is up before her eyes are even open. I haven't witnessed that personally but I'm pretty sure. She wakes up, meets the day bright and early, and is happy.

It boggles my mind. It takes me at least 5 mins to even remember my name, my eyes open a few mins after that. And beware the first person to talk to me. Its never pretty. My husband started referring to me as "the bear" when my kids were babies. Middle of the night feedings were scary and unpleasant for all involved. I can't function.

I think it might be genetic. My sister and I went away a couple of months ago to Portland for my bi-annual shoe show. The first morning we were there my alarm went off at 6:30am. Anything before 7am is just unfair in my rule book. So the alarm is going off. My sister is calling me "Jason" (her husband's name) and trying to get me to turn off the alarm and I can't remember where I am, why I am there, and where the alarm is. We laughed about it over breakfast but at the time it was frightening.

Is there hope for me? Can this behavior be changed?

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