Monday, April 26, 2010


What is the deal with socks?  These 3 people that I live with can NEVER find ANY socks.  I don't understand it.  It boggles my mind and may be the sole cause of my mental breakdown.

I'm sure you can remember my late arrival to the 3 drill sergeant's who were waiting to leave on our Seattle trip.  Well, without naming names...I'm blaming it on 2 of the 3. I was out the door, almost to the car when I hear 2 voices:

"Mom, I don't have any socks." {whiny kid voice}
"Well, where are they?" {me-pleasant, accommodating, jovial}
"I don't know..." {more whining}

I head back to the house - utterly pleasant and willing to help - of course.  I search and I search and I search.  In vain I attempt to find any 4 socks.  I could care less at this point if they match, if they have holes, really anything will do.  McDonald's requires socks or I would have made them go barefoot.  I turn up nothing.  How in the entire house can we not find 4 socks.  Not pairs...just 4 of them.  

I left - with my pleasant attitude still shining- and hoped they didn't go to McDonald sock-less.  What I don't know can't hurt me, right?  I didn't even ask when I got home, I couldn't.  

This weekend I had had enough.  I went to the mall on Sunday and stocked up on socks.  Gobs of socks.  You'd think owning a shoe store and carrying socks I would not have to resort to this but Smartwool socks are no small purchase and I was over spending that kind of $ on lost kid's socks.  Only responsible adults deserve that type of heaven on their feet.  I went straight for the bargain white socks.  

I'm putting an end to this sock madness once and for all.

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